Happiest of Happy Birthdays to...

Leah!! Oh yeah, she's 16 now, and damn am I excited. Why wouldn't I gush over Rob's 23rd birthday?? Purely because I have no chance of being invited to his birthday party, and funnily enough, he is very shy.

Now that I've said that, I will wish him a great birthday and what not, but besides those two, I really cannot be bothered!! I'm about to go to sleep, and as part of my 99th post, I WAS going to do something special, now I can't remember.
In other news, people are raging over Twitter for not giving them the choice to show or hide @replies.
Twatlight is going around in Twitter as well. I have a general gyst of what it is. Twatlight is a LiveJournal Community by people who love Twilight as well as hate it. It has its own animated show on Youtube...I think. I don't know much more than that, but it sounds funny and has something to do with Phil Collins.
Well, with nothing else to say, and pondering what my 100th post will be about, I shall begin reading Pride & Prejudice.


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