This totally explains it...

Ok, I was just reading something which I found particularly funny over at ONTD_AI. Post is here.
They're all on about this poll which came out on Gawker, all about who the readers thought were gay. (click to enlarge)
After reading the comments, I see the fuss.
Personally, I find it hilarious that Ryan Seacrest is considered gayer than Adam Lambert, even though Adam came out ON THE COVER OF ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE. And I'm 100% sure if you look up "Adam Lambert" in Google Images, you find pictures of him making out with his ex. The pictures are from Vote For The Worst.
I find it especially weird - and I didn't even remotely know that Zachary Quinto or Jason Mraz was gay!! Ricky Martin was no surprise. I do think the people voting for Michael Jackson are being a bit insulting...but whatever.
On a side note, I was showing my mum the first pictures I found on ONTD_AI of the Portland Idol Show. The pictures were really cool, and what was even better was that they were all placed in categories with the contestants' names, Allison, Adam, Danny, etc. So, I was scrolling down the page and then I get up to the Kradam ones. I sort of froze up, thinking "oh no, what will she think?". I mean, they were only doing a duet and stuff, but I think the title would have shocked her. I lingered. She laughed. "Kradam!" She laughed. I was relieved.
So really, that was my day. I think I'm bored, but the good thing is holidays start tomorrow, so I will try to post more often.
I have no problem with your ~ghey.


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