
Ok, Blogger is being a bench.

Basically, the Twitterverse has had a revalation of sorts.
It all started at the EPIC COMM. THAT IS ONTD. All they had to do was point it out, and it went crazy.ONTD wanted to point out how Danny Gokey's family are homophobic and #gokeyisadouche is going mad! I feel sorta guilty, but come on.
#gokeyisadouche went wild all over the internet, thousands have tweeted, including me, and so the war is raging!
As of now, Danny Gokey is more important that the Iran Election, and the most hated man on the internet...or at least the Twitterverse.
I commend the Adam fans and Gokey haters that went out and did that, because we all know it's true.


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